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College Trail

Theme Tour: Footpaths

This path starts off near the hairpin bend at the end of Dunnocksfold Road, opposite Windsor Drive. It is clearly marked by a sign for 'Wyechila' boarding kennels. A short driveway leads to an iron stile.

After a few yards 'Manor Farm' can be seen.

Further on, the college football ground comes into view.

Looking eastward, the houses on Hassall Road are visible in the distance.

This is the view in the opposite direction.

This stile marks the end of the path at Hassall Road.

Turning right towards the college there is Heathwood Drive on the opposite side just before the main entrance gate.
At the end of Heathwood Drive is a short footpath which leads to Lodge Road. Squirrels can be often be seen here.
The right hand picture shows the stile at the Lodge Road end.

Last Update: 26 Dec 98

Home Town Centre Nature Footpaths Sports Education Churches
Wine & Dine Shops Fast Food Area History Letters