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Caribbean Carnival

June 7th 2003

This very successful event was organised by Alsager Round Table.
There was a parade of floats through the town center and exhibits by local groups in Milton park.

video clip (4Mb mpg)
The prize for the best float was won by Highfields.
One of the main attractions was a strength show by a father and daughter act - Tony Brutus & Amanda. Further info:
Tel 01695 722754
A demonstration by Cheshire Dog Display Team.
A record breaking 150 entries were received for the dog show organised by Alsager Animals in Need.
Tuition in gem panning was provided by Michael Pace of Newchapel Science Centre

The finale was a
balloon race.

Last Update: 10 Jun 03

Home Town Centre Nature Footpaths Sports Education Churches
Wine & Dine Shops Fast Food Area History Letters